Healing Frequencies Part I- Hemisphere Synchronization
The goal of these antidotes and strategies like meditation, yoga, and talk therapy, is to reclaim control of your brain. Some of us will remember our old friend, Sig Freud and his Id, Ego, and Superego theory. Collectively, these components comprise our personality. Before we even begin to navigate the complexities of human relationships, we must recognize that the journey starts with the relationship we have with our “self”, the Ego. Only you can hear the sanctimonious and often unsavory sounds of your Ego. Who knows where this cat comes from but we identify with it, so it becomes paramount that we get along. When we don’t, relational chaos ensues. We struggle to draw boundaries, form healthy relationships, exhibit confidence, make good decisions, this list is endless. In essence, this is the goal of psychotherapies. With the blogs, I aim to provide you with the most effective strategies to achieve a modicum of control over these wild beasts. The strategy I would like to highlight today is Hemisphere Synchronization. I came across Hemisphere Synchronization, or Hemi-synch) when my band was on tour and insomnia was running the tables. I was astonished with its immediate effectiveness. Here is more, enjoy!
With Hemi-Sync© you train your brain and mind, to achieve the mental states you desire. You learn to either focus your brain to peak performance and concentration, or to relax mind and body into deep calm and meditation. You can use it to help you sleep, alleviate pain, and accelerate the healing process. You can even use binaural beats to induce ‘Out of Body’ states, enhance Lucid Dreaming or Remote Viewing. It is up to you, how you want to use it and what for.
A long list of benefits is the result of all the advantages reported by people, who have been using Hemi Sync on a regular basis either privately or professionally:
Benefits of Emotional Processes
Heightened self-esteem
Improves self confidence
Decreases hyperactivity
Overcoming shyness
Develop spontaneity
Achieve serenity
Uncover hidden memories
Improves social encounters
Opens up to feelings
Eliminate self sabotaging
Diminishes irritability
Benefits of Sleep and Dream States
Eliminates or decreases sleeping problems
Reduces the necessity for sleeping tablets
Facilitates lucid dreaming
Increases dream memory
Dissociate and Transcendental Experiences
Deepens meditation
Facilitates perception
Accesses intuition
Explore the non-physical realms
Explore focussed stated of consciousness
Support the Out-Of-Body state
Productivity and Mental Functions
Reduce Anxiety before exams
Eliminate mind wandering
Increase capacity for learning languages
Increase productivity
Help Attention Deficit
Increase learning capacity
Improve mood in class rooms
Recover lost skills
Solving difficult task
The technology consists of different combinations of binaural beats, various sound effects, instruments, music and/or verbal instructions.
Binaural beats entrain the brain with certain frequencies, achieving different states of consciousness such as laser-like focus, super concentration, inspired state, over to relaxed states of mind to deep sleep.
How binaural beats entrain a human brain you can read in detail clicking on binaural beats explained.
You can find several Hemi Sync audio files at the Lucid Mind Center, HERE.
You can also purchase a variety of programs at the Hemi-Sync website, HERE.
As always, I wish you the very best, go get em!